Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
It Is through the Father That Everything Comes About. So Give Him the Honor of Meeting Your Expectations
Messages from Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus Christ to Gérard in France on July 12, 2024

Virgin Mary:
My dear children, I am your Mother and I intercede for all of you. Follow Me, ask Me. Trust in Me; when I said: Do whatever he tells you, it is the same today. Be faithful to his Name, to his Divinity, to his Royalty. This is all he asks: entrust yourselves to him. Amen †
My dear children, My Friends, all that you are experiencing today, experience it with Me, with My Spirit, to give the Father a great certainty that you love Him. It is the Father who glorifies his children when they ask him for something. The Father is forgotten, we ask without thanking him. It is through the Father that everything comes about. So give Him the honor of meeting your expectations. He will be with you if you are faithful to My Words. Amen †
When you see the world falling apart, know that the end is approaching where I will intervene definitively, to give this sinful world a new life, a happy life. Amen †
When you pray, ask in faith and above all never doubt My power. I see everything, I find everything, because I have always known. The Father will give you the green light. Take shade under the Wings of the Most High. I invite you to pray, to give your Yes; come like docile children, forget your ego and do what I tell you. Amen.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, We bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May Peace remain in your hearts and you will be My Loves. It is through Love that the world will be saved. Amen †